Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017

Evaluasi Dosen Dalam Pembelajaran Mahasiswa LP3I Jurusan Informasi Komputer kelas INT 1 S Ganjil 2017-2018

Tuliskan komentar mahasiswa dengan bahasa inggris di halaman komentar dengan format mengenai evaluasi dosen terhadap pembelajaran dan pemahaman materi yang disampaikan dosen dalam proses mengajar.

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11 komentar:

  1. my name is eva mardiah and i'm student of lp3i pekanbaru. mr debi is my lecture visual basic. he is good at delivering the material and i like study with mr debi

  2. Name: Rohmat Tanjung
    NIM: 161710040015

    Trust me, him so good

  3. hy..
    my name is riska amelia, iam from student lp3i pekanbaru.
    i major informatika komputer. i now study visual basic with lecture mr.deby. when i study visual basic with mr debi i feel enjoy, and easy understand.

  4. Name : Tuah Rahmad Abbas S.
    NIM : 161710040016

    I'm very happy with this lecture

  5. My name is eko sudaryanto from lp3i business college pekanbaru (informatic computer)
    I feel mr debi is a good lecture on VB because many much lecture VB on LP3I i just can understand with them, and everyday mr debi always give funny jokes on the class, and mr. Debi make my experience go on top, thanks sir

  6. Nama : Ari rahman kurniawan
    NIM : 161710040033
    Comment : So far so good, i enjoyed every single meeting, excelent lecturer, studied visual basic .net feels so simple and easy, because in every meeting we also got some ice breaking activity that can makes the meeting doesn't felt bored, and every single subject can easily to understanded, seems like i've started to liking this subject specially in program building, it can be a great experiences to being his student, thank you for all those happy moment, the point is i happy and enjoyed every single meeting with him.
    Thank you��

  7. What's up fellas, my name Agung Satria (161710040029), I'm very interrested to visual basic programming, and i really take seriously in this lesson, Mr Debi is awesome lecturer, his way while teach us is well, soo... great mr debi . . .

  8. My name Bambang Satrio, my nim 161710040018. I'm student lp3i pekanbaru, I'm very happy learning vb.net because I'm like study vb.net

  9. Nim: 161710040004

    My name is Ilham Pramana, Student of Lp3i Business College Pekanbaru. I like the way of teaching from him. Easy to understand and not boring. So far, before Mr Debi teaching in my class, I learned just to learn and not interested in the course. Since guided by Mr Debi, I started to interested. Thanks sir. You make me like Visual Basic.

  10. Bahrul ulum ardani

    like it so much

  11. Hi, my name is Thomson.
    NIM : 161710040032
    since we have studied with Mr.Debi we can make some little program, and have understood about visual basic programming.

    And most important to learn visual basic is don't too easy to give up !
    Thankyou !
